Specialist Disability Accommodation

Funding homes for Australians with high-care needs.

So, what's SDA all about?

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is funded by the NDIS and refers to accommodation that is specifically designed and built to house Australians with extreme functional impairment who require specialist solutions for their daily living requirements. It is a life-changing option for people living with a disability, especially those with high care needs. 

Getting Started

Frequently Asked Questions
    Am I eligible for SDA?

        NDIS participants who are eligible for SDA funding are those with:

        • Extreme functional impairment or
        • Very high support needs

        SDA (that is, the actual housing) is a funded support. As with all supports, the NDIA will assess whether SDA is reasonable and necessary for you to lead an ordinary life. 

    How do I apply for funding?

        For you to be assessed for SDA funding, you must have a housing goal already written into your NDIS plan. If you don't have a housing goal, you will need to request a plan review to have this added. This plan review should include a request for funding.

    Who submits the application?

        Typically, your Support Co-ordinator and Allied Health Professionals will gather evidence that SDA is reasonable and necessary for you and will create a Housing Plan (SDA funding application) for submission to the NDIS.

    So, the NDIS reviews my plan?

        Yes. The NDIS will decide whether providing you with SDA payments will assist you to reach your housing (and other) goals in your NDIS plan based on the content of your application. If they decide you are eligible for SDA payments they will look for information in your Housing Plan to decide which SDA housing design category will best suit your needs.

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    What are the SDA design categories?

        The SDA Design Standard has been developed through extensive consultation across government, private sector, the housing industry and disability organisations.

        It sets out detailed design requirements that will be incorporated into newly built specialist disability accommodation seeking enrolment under the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

        This standard has four categories of SDA design which are set out in the SDA Rules:

        • Improved Liveability 
        • Robust
        • Fully Accessible
        • High Physical Support.

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    What kind of homes does Sunrise Disability Accommodation build?

        We build homes across all dwelling types including Apartments, Townhouses/Duplex/Villas, House and Group Homes.

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    What happens if the type of dwelling I need isn't available?

        Sometimes the specialist disability accommodation you need won’t be immediately available. The NDIS will still put the design category, building type and location in your plan. 

        This helps if you want to keep looking for a suitable place. Or, you can ask a provider (like Sunrise!) to start building you a property. 

        Until you move into a home, your building type, design category and location will be noted in your plan as a comment.  The NDIS will help confirm these details with us if you want to talk to us about the specialist disability accommodation we offer. 

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    What services can you offer?

        We do it all! We offer a complete construction service (site selection, design and construction) as well as ongoing property management. All you need to do is pack your bags and come on over!

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